
All project listed below here just for fun or learning purpose.

NetCat Replacement using python

NetCat Replacement using python

What if during your security assessment, you stumbled on a server, with no netcat installed, but has python in it, you can use this netcat replacement,Capable of establishing connection using TCP protocol, tranfer file and send command.

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Port Scanner using python

Port Scanner using python

simple CLI script for scanning open port using python, for learning Purpose.

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Python Keylogger

Python Keylogger

Simple keylogger using python to log all your target information. We can compile the .py file to executable binary using pyinstaller

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Simple Webserver

Simple Webserver

Develop a simple web server using socket programming in C on Linux. It can only send web pages (like .html) and files (like .jpg) and can only accept GET requests without parameter

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XSS Labs - IDN Pentest+ Bootcamp

XSS Labs - IDN Pentest+ Bootcamp

A vulnerable website to showcase all the commonly found varians from Cross Site Scripting Attack (Stored XSS, DOM XSS, Reflected XSS).

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SQL Injection Labs - IDN Pentest+ Bootcamp

SQL Injection Labs - IDN Pentest+ Bootcamp

A vulnerable website to showcase commonly found of SQL Injection type (Login Bypass via subverting logic, Blind SQL, UNION Attack, and Retrieve Hidden Data).

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