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Reverse Engineering Android App to Bypass Anti-Emulator Protection.
- Authors
- Name
- Eric Ardiansa (Bebek \n)
- @eric_ardiansa
What's Android Reverse Engineering
Reverse Engineering an android application is the process of analyzing the compiled app to extract information about its source code. The goal of Reverse Engineering itself is to comprehend the code from application.
But to bypass some of android protection like anti-root or anti-emulator we also need to know how to tamper and modify the application source code to change its behavior and ultimately bypass the protection implement by mobile app developer.
As a Penetration Tester, Reverse Engineering has been more of a complementary skill. Mobile app black-box Pentesting increasingly requires disassembling compiled apps, applying patches, and tampering with the binary code and live processes.
Basic Tampering Technique
Binary Patching
Patching is the process of changing the compiled app, for example changing code in binary executables, modifying java bytecode, or tampering with resources. Patches can be applied in many ways, including editing binary files in a hex editor, or cheat engine or most common ways is to decompiling, editing, and re-assembling an app. The tools we can use to are ** apktool, jadx, jd-gui, dex2jar, jeb-decompiler** and etc.
But keep in mind that the modern mobile operating system strictly enforce code signing, so after we modified our application code we need to re-sign the app to run modified code without any problem. Tools like Zipalign, apksigner, uber-apk-signer etc can help we re-sign the app we modified earlier.
Code injection
Code injection is a very powerful technique that allows you to explore and modify processes at runtime. Injection can be implemented in various ways, but you'll get by without knowing all the details thanks to freely available, well-documented tools that automate the process like Frida. These tools give you direct access to process memory and important structures such as live objects instantiated by the app. They come with many utility functions that are useful for resolving loaded libraries, hooking methods and native functions, and more. Process memory tampering is more difficult to detect than file patching, so it is the preferred method in most cases.
How Application Implement Emulator Checking
There are several checks that an application can perform in order to detect wheter we are running it on an emulated environment or an actual device. Programmers usually implement this functionality by searching the code in stackoverflow or currently chatgpt, this make the way they implement the anti-emulator check mostly the same.
For example i got this code from this stackoverflow question. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2799097/how-can-i-detect-when-an-android-application-is-running-in-the-emulator
// another code
public static boolean isAndroidEmulator() {
String model = Build.MODEL;
Log.d(TAG, "model=" + model);
String product = Build.PRODUCT;
Log.d(TAG, "product=" + product);
boolean isEmulator = false;
if (product != null) {
isEmulator = product.equals("sdk") || product.contains("_sdk") || product.contains("sdk_");
Log.d(TAG, "isEmulator=" + isEmulator);
return isEmulator;
// another code
Then, after understanding the implementation methods used by the application, we can identify how we can bypass the anti-emulator protection used by the application.
Decompiling Application
For this article i will use vulnerable application to show you the approaces to bypass the protection implemented by the developer. First we need to decompile the application to .java code to try to understand the application workflow.
jadx-gui.bat .\ReverzeMe1.apk
Let’s take a look at the implementation of the checkIfDeviceIsEmulator() function:
// another code
public void onClick(View v) {
Boolean isEmulator = ChallengeJNI.this.checkIfDeviceIsEmulator();
if (isEmulator.booleanValue()) {
Toasteroid.show(ChallengeJNI.this, "This Device is not supported", Toasteroid.STYLES.ERROR, 0);
String pass = ChallengeJNI.this.stringFromJNI();
// Another Code
public Boolean checkIfDeviceIsEmulator() {
return Build.FINGERPRINT.startsWith("generic") || Build.FINGERPRINT.startsWith(EnvironmentCompat.MEDIA_UNKNOWN) ||
Build.MODEL.contains("google_sdk") || Build.MODEL.contains("Emulator") || Build.MODEL.contains("Android SDK built for x86")
|| Build.MANUFACTURER.contains("Genymotion") || (Build.BRAND.startsWith("generic") && Build.DEVICE.startsWith("generic")) ||
Basically, what it is doing is checking some strings against a set of predefined strings, like we saw in the code from stackoverflow before. Now we will try to bypass them.
Reverse Engineering and Patching using apktool
Firstly we will decompiled the application using this commmand.
apktool.exe d .\ReverzeMe1.apk -o .\extracted\
After the decompilation we will see inside the extracted folder the internal stucture of the decoded apk. Commonly the normal APK Structure looks like this
- smali — disassembled java code
- res — resources, strings
- assets — files bundled inside the APK
- lib — native libraries (*.so files)
- AndroidManifest.xml — decoded version
- original and apktool.yml — used by apktool
After decoding the app, we can see the AndroidManifest.xml. If we look inside the Smali folder we can see all the smali files.
cat.exe ChallengeJNI\\$1.smali
cat.exe ChallengeJNI.smali
Understanding Dalvik opcodes
Currently i'm still learning how to understand and write the dalvik opcodes inside the .smali files. You can do your own research to get the information about the guide to read dalvik opcodes. But, we will very often see the code like this inside the .smali files.
.method private checkIfDeviceIsEmulator ()Ljava/lang/Boolean;
It is important to understand the meaning of this line, so let’s break it down:
.method private -> // is the type of method.
checkIfDeviceIsEmulator -> // the method name.
()Ljava/lang/Boolean; -> // the type of the return value, prefixed with L, dots “.” replaced with slashes “/” and suffixed with semicolon ;
Finding the checkIfDeviceIsEmulator method
Inside the ChallengeJNI.smali we can see how anti-emulator protection implemented using dalvik opcodes.
.method private checkIfDeviceIsEmulator()Ljava/lang/Boolean;
.locals 2
.line 70
sget-object v0, Landroid/os/Build;->FINGERPRINT:Ljava/lang/String;
const-string v1, "generic"
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/lang/String;->startsWith(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
move-result v0
if-nez v0, :cond_1
sget-object v0, Landroid/os/Build;->FINGERPRINT:Ljava/lang/String;
const-string v1, "unknown"
.line 71
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/lang/String;->startsWith(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
move-result v0
if-nez v0, :cond_1
sget-object v0, Landroid/os/Build;->MODEL:Ljava/lang/String;
const-string v1, "google_sdk"
// the code continue
As we can see, there are different const-string declarations, having as the second argument a descriptive string such as generic, unknown, google_sdk, Emulator, Android SDK built for x86, and so on. So, remembering the Java’s implementation of the validation function
public Boolean checkIfDeviceIsEmulator() {
return Build.FINGERPRINT.startsWith("generic") || Build.FINGERPRINT.startsWith(EnvironmentCompat.MEDIA_UNKNOWN) ||
Build.MODEL.contains("google_sdk") || Build.MODEL.contains("Emulator") || Build.MODEL.contains("Android SDK built for x86")
|| Build.MANUFACTURER.contains("Genymotion") || (Build.BRAND.startsWith("generic") && Build.DEVICE.startsWith("generic")) ||
It is easy to see that, if we bypass those checks, we could maybe bypass the DeviceEmulator protection. So, let’s do that! First, I searched all the const-strings validations and I did some modifications:
original code | modified code |
const-string v1, "unknown" | const-string v1, "unknown-info" |
const-string v1, "google_sdk" | const-string v1, "google_sdk-info" |
const-string v1, "Emulator" | const-string v1, "Emulator-info" |
const-string v1, "Android SDK built for x86" | const-string v1, "Android SDK built for x86-info" |
const-string v1, "Genymotion" | const-string v1, "Genymotion-info" |
const-string v1, "generic" | const-string v1, "generic-info" |
const-string v1, "generic" | const-string v1, "generic-info" |
const-string v0, "google_sdk" | const-string v0, "google_sdk-info" |
After the modifications, we have to re-build the application. After this step, you should have the modified application already built inside the /dist folder.
apktool.exe b .\extracted\
then inside the dist folder, we will use zipalign to align our recompiled android application.
zipalign.exe -v 4 .\ReverzeMe1.apk .\ReverzeMe1-zipalign.apk
The next step is signing the application with apksigner, but, before doing that, we need to create a singkey. We will use keytool for this purpose.
keytool -genkey -v -keystore release.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Now that we have created the certificate, we can use apksigner to finish the process.
apksigner.bat sign --ks .\release.keystore --v1-signing-enabled true --v2-signing-enabled true .\ReverzeMe1-zipalign.apk
Then after running the application on the emulator, we successfully bypass the anti-emulator protection implemented by the developer.